Why these Methods?
Nowadays we are constantly exposed to various stressful conditions and it can lead to changes in the proportion of several hormones like such as gluco-corticoids, catecholamines, growth hormone and prolactin. Some of these changes are essential for the fight or flight response to protect self. While other stressful responses can lead to endocrine disorders like Graves’ disease, gonadal dysfunction, psychosexual dwarfism and obesity. Stress can also alter the clinical status of many preexisting problems such as precipitation of adrenal crisis and thyroid storm. Stress can lead to damage of mental health and makes you anxiety prone.
Hence it’s really necessary to keep stress at bay and maintain the balance of hormones in our body if, it’s altered by stress. Sometimes, medications are the only way out, but we can try the natural alternatives as well.
“A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.”
The methods:
- Drink 2 glasses of water on an empty stomach in the morning and at least 2 litres in a single day. Keeping your body hydrated boosts up your immune system.
- Exercise at least 60 minutes everyday because it keeps the metabolism and your hormonal mechanisms regulated
- Try to have a warm aromatic bath and massage now and then. Hippocrates once said, “the key to great health is an aromatic bath and massage.” So rejuvenate your sense and keep your pressure points well massaged. those of hands feet and neck.
- Walk bare feet on the green grass covered with dew in the morning. It’s proved to have benefits. The early morning sunshine has also been proven to cure diseases like migraine.
- Eat foods rich in healthy fats, like omega 3 fatty acids. Fish, nuts and cod liver oil capsules are good sources of this food component.
- Avoid gadgets after 9pm. Your mind should be in a calm environment when you are about to doze off.
- Cut down on caffeine. If you can’t avoid taking it at least 6 hours prior to bedtime. Instead, have green tea during the daytime and a glass of warm milk after an hour of dinner.
- Sleep for at least 8 hours everyday. It relaxes our brain and makes it ready for the next morning. Deprivation of the same may lead to irritability, loss in performance and concentration and higher stress levels.
- Socialize with positive people.
- Don’t change your life style suddenly as it leads to stress. Bring about transitions gradually whether it’s your schedule, place, job etc.

Nitika Mehra, M.A. in Clinical Psychology, is a psychologist and emotional wellness expert. She is dedicated to highlighting the role of mental health in fostering happiness, fulfillment, and overall wellness and spreading awareness about the importance of mental health and the methods of it’s management.
Currently Nitika is working as a school counselor in East Point School, Delhi and also provides online counseling on platforms like GoMentors. She has diverse work experience in the field of mental health and education and aspires to bring about a positive change in the lives of people whom she comes across. She also has a personal blog which promotes mental wellness and overall wellbeing. She tries to be a part of social work sector by donating blood regularly and volunteering for NGOs. Read More >>
For counseling appointments Nitika can be reached at:
Email: nmehra997@gmail.com
Phone: +91-9721208555