“The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything.”

Oscar Wilde


Ever feel like you’re standing at life’s crossroads? The middle years can feel like that sometimes, right? It’s like being in the thick of a story, taking a moment, and looking both back at the chapters passed and forward to the ones yet to be written.

Remember that term “midlife crisis”? Elliot Jaques dropped it in a 1965 article, capturing that exact moment when we take a deep breath and think, “Wow, time’s really flying, isn’t it?”

Here’s the thing about midlife – it’s a time of introspection. Our bodies start reminding us they aren’t as spry, and younger folks seem to have their own playlist (which, frankly, sometimes sounds like noise). Meanwhile, we might be caring for our aging parents, kind of a role reversal. It’s humbling and enlightening, all at once.

But here’s the kicker – while we’re discovering life’s boundaries, this is often when we feel most empowered. It’s like having a better grip on the steering wheel, even if the road gets a bit bumpy.

Transitioning from the hustle of career climbs and family to a more reflective phase can be…well, a tad overwhelming. There’s beauty in these years, but the change can sometimes cast shadows of doubt, loneliness, or the dreaded “Am I still relevant?”

If these feelings resonate, it might be time for a chat. The counselors at Psynso Clinic are like life’s GPS, helping you find clarity and comfort. Let’s map out this next chapter together, celebrating the wisdom and depth you bring to the table.


Embarking on the Psynso Journey: Here’s What to Expect

So, you’re thinking about diving into some self-reflection and growth with us? That’s awesome. Let’s break down what the Psynso adventure looks like:

First Date with Your Therapist: We’ll kick off with a chat, where you spill the beans about what’s on your mind and your life’s story so far. This helps us find the best roadmap for our journey together.

Weekly Heart-to-Hearts: Normally, you’ll catch up with your therapist weekly. It’s like a standing coffee date, but you can totally wear pajamas.

The Psynso Toolkit: Our therapists come equipped with a treasure trove of techniques – think of them as tools in a Swiss Army knife. Cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, psychodynamic – we’ve got it all. And together, you’ll figure out which one feels just right for you.

Building Trust: The magic happens when there’s a genuine connection between you and your therapist. Think of it like any meaningful relationship; it’s all about trust. Our space? It’s a no-judgment zone, designed for deep dives and authentic chats.

Flexibility is Key: Not sure how many sessions you’ll need? That’s okay! You and your therapist will decide together, based on what feels right for you.

Meet Our All-Star Team: Our therapists aren’t just hired; they’re handpicked. They’re the best of the best, dedicated to their craft and to you. Worried they might not understand your unique situation? Trust us, they’ve seen a lot, learned a lot, and are here to help you navigate it all.

Ready to start this journey together? Call us now or book online to make a confidential appointment with one of the counseling psychologists.


Psynso Clinic for Middle Aged specializes in following areas of intervention:


  • Concern for Children
  • Care of Aging Parents
  • Handling Social Responsibilities
  • Discontentment with Life and Lifestyle
  • Restlessness to do something Different
  • Questioning Previously taken Decisions
  • Questioning the Meaning of Life
  • Confusion about Who You Are
  • Confusion about where your Life is Going
  • Irritability and Unexpected Anger
  • Persistent Sadness
  • Declining Interest in Sexuality
  • Male Menopause
  • Female Menopause
  • Greatly Decreased/Increased Sexual Desire
  • Sexual Affairs, especially with Much Youngers
  • Sexual Affairs, especially with Much Olders
  • Greatly Decreased or Increased Ambition
  • Dealing with Financial Crisis
  • Sleep Problems
  • Alcohol Dependence
  • Divorce
  • Depression
  • Health Problems
  • Suicidal Thinking