We have been aware about Physical health and well being for a long time now. In recent decades, even Mental Health has come to the spotlight, as the awareness about it has been on the rise. Thus, we have started to hear a lot about mental and physical wellness quite often now. However, another key aspect of Health and Wellness which not many people are aware of is Emotional Wellness.
Emotions have the capacity to affect our body directly, as well as indirectly. An emotion to our overall health is like what soil is to a plant. Our emotions have the capacity to bring physiological changes in our body.
For a healthy emotional state it is essential to embrace all the emotions, as and when we feel them.
Also not many people understand the difference between Feelings and Emotions. Generally, people consider feelings and emotions as one and the same thing. However,feeling is the mental portrayal of what is going on in our body when we experience emotions. Feeling is the byproduct of our brain perceiving and assigning meaning to our emotions. For example, in a given situation, when we are wronged, our body feels heated up, our heart starts beating faster, and we may even start sweating a little. Our mind interprets that as ‘Anger’.
Psychologist Paul Ekman classified six basic emotions as Anger, Happiness, Surprise, Disgust, Sadness and Fear. For a healthy emotional state it is essential to embrace all the emotions, as and when we feel them. This brings us to the first step of how to take care of our emotional well-being and health:
We certainly can’t customize our brain to feel only happiness as an emotion.
Staying Happy All the time is a Myth: Human brain is designed to feel various emotions. We certainly can’t customize our brain to feel only happiness as an emotion. But, we can make ourselves resilient and strong to embrace pain, fear, and all other emotions alongside happiness. During not so happy moments, one can always remember that these are temporary moments that shall pass, paving way to better times. When in a sad situation, try not to brush away sadness. Let yourself be. Forcing ourselves out of our natural emotional reactions is what creates a conflict and disturbs us immensely.
Reconnect with yourself. It’s important to stay in touch with your true self.
Take care of yourself: Do certain basic things like taking out few minutes for yourself in doing what you like or just sitting and feeling your breath. Reconnect with yourself. It’s important to stay in touch with your true self. Eat healthy food, drink lots of water, take a walk, admire nature, and the most important is to get optimum amount of sleep. Having a good night sleep is a blessing. If you sleep well, your body will rejuvenate itself. You will wake up feeling fresh, will be productive and not get bogged down by difficult situations but will take them as challenges.
Let your emotions flow out. Find the best way to channelize them.
Vent out: Let your emotions come out. Don’t keep them bottled up. Find the best way to channelize them. The technical term to which is ‘Catharsis’. Talk to a friend, write a journal, ride a horse, do origami, paint, cook, watch TV, exercise. Do anything that allows your emotions to flow out. Keeping our emotions inside for too long begins to create toxicity in our overall well-being.
Do not underestimate your emotional strength. Just have faith in yourself.
You are Stronger than You Think you are: Have acceptance of your current situation and state. Accepting what it is, was meant to be. What happens with us in our lives is a consequence of our choices. Nobody or no situation forces us to behave in a particular way. Blaming the situation or people for the way we feel or what happens to us might only result in disappointment and sadness. The sooner we accept that our actions are largely determined by our thoughts, our wants and needs, the easier it gets. Do not underestimate your emotional strength. Just have faith in yourself.
While reading this, lot of thoughts may have crossed your mind. Look within, introspect and get going!

Habeeba Manzar is a Counseling Psychologist, currently working as a Special Educator in Vasant Valley School, New Delhi. She graduated in Applied Psychology from Gargi College, Delhi University. Then she went on to complete her MA in Clinical Psychology from South Campus, Delhi University. While pursuing Advanced Diploma in Counseling Psychology from Jamia Millia Islamia, she interned at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket, New Delhi and then got hired as full time Counseling Psychologist in that hospital. She did her training at few other esteemed hospitals in New Delhi including Base Hospital, Delhi Cantonment and Fortis Escorts Hospital. Read More >>
For counseling appointments Habeeba can be reached at:
Email: Habeeba.Manzar@yahoo.com