Language-based learning disabilities or LBLD are “heterogeneous” disorders associated with young children that affect their academic skills such as listening, reasoning speaking, reading, writing, and math calculations. It is also associated with movement, coordination, and direct attention. LBLD is not usually identified until the child reaches school age. Most of the children with this disorder find it hard to communicate, to express ideas efficiently and whatever they say can be ambiguous and hard to understand It is caused by brain damage or a structural development of brain usually at birth. It is often hereditary, and is frequently associated to specific language problems.
There are two types of learning disabilities: non-verbal, which includes disabilities from psychomotor difficulties to dyscalculia, and verbal, language based.
Symptoms of LBLD can be complex or simple according to the severity of risk factors. It consists of dyslexia which comprises the reading of numbers sequentially, learning the time table, and telling time There are also difficulties associated with written language such as trouble learning new vocabulary, letters and alphabets. Trouble understanding questions and following directions, understanding and remembering the details of a story’s plot or a classroom lecture, learning words to songs and rhymes, telling left from right, and having a hard time with reading and writing . Difficulties associated with reading and spoken language involve trouble understanding questions and following directions, understanding and retaining the details of a story’s plot or a classroom lecture, nonword repetition, learning words to songs and rhymes, and identifying the sounds that correspond to letters, which makes learning to read difficult Difficulties associated with motor skills include difficulty telling left from right which is part of motor incoordination, visual perceptual problems, and memory problem.
15-20% of the children in the United States have a language-based learning disability. Of the students with specific learning disabilities receiving special education services, 70-80% have a discrepancy in reading.
A speech-language pathologist (SLP), psychologist, social worker, and sometimes neurologist work together or individually to find the proper diagnosis for children with LBLD. Additionally, they evaluate speaking, listening, reading, and written language for children who have LBLD.
- SLPs evaluate the child’s comprehension skills, and the child’s ability to follow verbal and written directions. Also, they look for responsiveness, and see if the child recognizes familiar signs or holds a book correctly and they look for whether the child knows and/or writes letters, and names.
- Social workers obtain literacy history from the home, and then observe the child during classroom activities, they look for social interactions.
- Psychologists review a child’s phonological memory by having him or her repeat series of words, numbers, letters, and sounds. They also look for response from the child to environmental and social factors.
- Neurologists look for motor skills, brain functions which include visual and auditory perception.
LBLD can be enduring situation. Some people might experience overlapping learning disabilities that makes them less likely to have improvement results. Others with single learning problems that don’t impact their life very much have more improvement. Most of them can balance and achieve literacy, but as they grow old, they become weak in work, social and psychological changes.
Special education classes are the primary treatment. These classes focus on activities that sustain growth in language skills. The foundation of this treatment is repetition of oral, reading and writing activities. Usually the SLP, psychologist and the teacher work together with the children in small groups in the class room. Another treatment is looking at a child’s needs through the Individual Education Plan (IEP). In this program teachers and parents work together to monitor the progress of the child’s comprehensive, verbal, written, social, and motor skills in school and in the home. Then the child goes through different assessments to determine his/her level. The level that the child is placed in will determine the class size, number of teachers, and the need for therapy. There are a number of schools that cater specifically to students with language-based learning disabilities such as Landmark School in Massachusetts.