You are currently viewing Life Goes On. Learn to Let Go!

Life is a process which goes on. The best part is that nothing remains stagnant. Whatever the phase and stage, it passes on to the next.

Learn to let go! Let go of little things that don’t need attention, things that don’t need to be understood and fixed. It is not humanly possible to understand everything, find answers and get solutions to each problem. When you feel that you are unable to change a situation, just let it be. Sit back, relax and breathe. In the daily hassles of life we forget to breathe. Feel your breath as you inhale the freshness and while you exhale the polluted air out. That is breathing! When you are mindful about it.

Let go of little things that don't need attention

When you feel that you are unable to change a situation, just let it be. Sit back, relax and breathe.

Enjoy nature. It has calming effects on both mind and body. Get in tune with chirping birds, flowing river water, colorful flowers, lush green trees, and remind yourself to be firm like a rock. Observe these details to get focus, to relax, get away from the daily anxiety.

A problem is only as big as we make it.

Being optimistic gives you a new perspective to look at the problem.

Sometimes we pay a lot of attention to a situation and make it big. It varies because of different perspectives, thought processes, and experiences. But remember, a problem is only as big as we make it. Loosing cool in an unpleasant situation is one of the easiest things to do, but staying calm and being rationale about it is tough. I say, challenge yourselves. Channelize the frustration and anger by logical reasoning. Take a pause and ask yourself if it is important for you to react. Will that situation even matter after few months, weeks or even minutes?