The goal of parental training and guidance is to increase the parents’ awareness of the importance of the Mediated Learning Experience as an active and effective tool for improving their children’s cognitive, social and emotional development.
Unconditional love and affection can make the kid emotionally stronger and happier
Providing physical affection and praising the kid: By providing physical affection and love, it will help the kid to develop courage to make mistakes and learn from them. Being responsible parents it is very much essential to pay attention and listen to them. Play with them and praise them when they get things right. Unconditional love and affection can make the kid emotionally stronger and happier.
Problem solving skills help children cope with environment more effectively
Develop problem solving skills: Children should be taught problem solving skills. In problem solving skills we try to teach the child to identify the problem then break the problem into manageable tasks, by this way each task does not seem impossible.
Active involvement with kid through play and other activities: Playing creates the foundation for kid’s intellectual, social, physical and emotional skills.
Child should be given reward, attention and reinforcement for appropriate behavior
Providing structure through contingent consequences: Parents should give reward, attention and reinforcement for appropriate behavior and overcorrection, time out and ignoring for inappropriate behavior.
Overcorrection; this involves two separate procedures, i.e.; restitution and positive practice. If a child keeps eating indiscriminately whatever rubbish he finds on the ground, restitution overcorrection would involve prolonged period of teeth, mouth and hand washing whenever the behavior occur. Positive practice which is done usually after restitution involves a prolonged practice of appropriate ways of handling rubbish; sweeping, mopping, throwing out garbage etc.
Time out; Reward is removed during the occurrence of undesirable behavior.
Modify destructive self talk: Imprecise language is one of the causes of distorted thinking process. Parents should modify destructive self talk of kids, such as this is not going to work.
Parenting with warmth and moderate control has been found to be most effective
Authoritative parenting style: Parents who are high on warmth and moderate on control, very careful to set clear limits and restrictions regarding certain kinds of behavior. Research shows, children of these parents, tend to be friendly and tend to show development of general competencies for dealing with others and with their environments.
Inculcate reading habit: Reading is very much beneficial for a kid. It is going to develop their vocabulary and intelligence.
Communication training: As a parent, you want to provide every opportunity for your child to reach his or her potential. Communication is an essential part of life. Parents should encourage a child for asking questions and can foster the information exchanges, essential for healthy personality development.

Anubha holds M.phil. degree in Clinical Psychology. She is an Assistant Professor & a licensed clinical psychologist. She has published research papers in psychology in various journals. As a clinical psychologist she has worked with children, mature adults, confused teenagers, couples, alcohol and drug addicts, senior citizens, neurotics and psychotics. She has gained more than average proficiency in clinical psychology, principles of psychotherapy and principles of psychiatry. Also she has gained much experience in the administration of various psychological tests of personality, intelligence, memory, neuropsychological and projective tests of diagnostic, therapeutic and research purposes. She is also well verse on conducting psychotherapies such as, behaviour therapy, cognitive therapy and psychoanalysis on psychiatric patients. Read More >>
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